Hydroponic manual for Supragarden



Nursery level plus water tank is the base for PlantSteps. You can also grow small and big plants there. 

It can be used with several hydroponics techniques, even combined at the same time. 

These watering techniques listed below have different benefits and each gardener should select the best method according to plants, size and their growing phase.


for Plantsteps and Nursery level

Nutrient film technique is perfect for salads and herbs, but great also for most household plants that like water. A stream of water flows inside PlantSteps body and on Nursery level and waters plant roots. With NFT you can use even constant water flow and optimize growing speed of lettuce etc.



for Nursery level

Also called Flood and Drain. The water level is raised some 10-45 millimeters, time-to-time, according to timer setup. Typically 5-12 times during the day and none during night. 

Ebb&flow is good for young plants who do not have yet roots reaching outside net pot. 


for Nursery level

Deep water culture means that plant roots are growing in the water tank. Plants live in net pots at the PlantSteps holes (4) on nursery level. This is efficient way to grow big fruit plants like chilies and tomatoes.

With DWC you have to make sure water gets enough oxygen or plant roots will drown. This can be done by pumping the water often, almost constantly, or by adding a air-pump and air-stone to system. 



You can also combine these techniques. PlantSteps can be using NFT and nurcery level Ebb&flow and also DWC with big plants on Nursery level holes.
You just divide water rise pipe from the pump to two pipes.
One going to top of PlantSteps and one going to Nursery level connection.












You can find more information about hydroponic growing techniques from internet. Like Aquaponics,  where aquarium is the water tank and fish waste as nutrient source for plants. That is the real local and organic food.