SupraBase = Water tank + Nurcery level




SupraBase consists of Water Tank and Nursery level and they are form the Base for up going Plantsteps®. You can connect up to 5 Plantsteps starting from SupraBase and it stores 70 liters of nutritive water there. It is the easy way to start growing a greenwall and a vertical hydroponic food garden at home, office or restaurant.  


Herbs on hydroponics.




On the top of the SupraBase is the Nursery level where you can root cuttings, grow small or large plants with several hydroculture and hydroponic techniques:

  • NFT - Nutrient Film Technique

  • Flood&drain and Ebb&Flow

  • DWC - Deep Water Culture

  • Drip feed

Different irrigation methods can also be combined and used simultaneously.

Learn more about hydroponic growing methods from Supragarden® Hydroponic manual

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Build Supragarden base (70L) | Hydroponic Garden System Kits

Hydroponics grow system and led plant light for growing plants. Grow your food plants and house plants without soil. 


Hydroponic grow system (70L) with Grow light | Supragarden Base

Supragarden Base Hydroponics system (70L) with Daylight grow light for plants. Grow herbs, lettuce and other food plants with hydroponics. 

Many units on stock
Delivery weight: 12 kg

SupraBase | Dark Grey

The Nursery level and the Water tank are the SupraBase for up going Plantsteps and the heart of the Supragarden system.

Many units on stock
Delivery weight: 8 kg

SupraBase with Water tank and Nurcery level | White

The Nursery level and the 70 L Water tank are the Base for up going Plantsteps and the heart of the Supragarden system.

Many units on stock
Delivery weight: 8 kg

Flood and Drain fittings for Nursery level

With Adjustable Flood & Drain Fittings | Ebb & flow connectors you can control the water level on Nurcery level


Many units on stock
Delivery weight: 0.1 kg

Propagation plate for Nursery level | 6 plants

Propagation plate to cover Nursery level plant's roots from light. Plate has six plant places.

Many units on stock
Delivery weight: 0.2 kg

Propagation plate for Nursery level | 8 plants

Propagation plate to cover Nursery level plant's roots from light. Plate has eight places for plants.

Many units on stock
Delivery weight: 0.2 kg

Propagation plate for Nursery level | 12 plants

Propagation plate to cover Nursery level plant's roots from light. Plate has twelve places for plants.

Many units on stock
Delivery weight: 0.2 kg

Dolly for Supragarden - Get Garden on Wheels

Want to have your garden with wheels? This wheeled platform is for SupraBase unit. It makes it Mobile.

Many units on stock
Delivery weight: 2.7 kg

Supragarden Rubber Plug for Nursery level | 125 mm

Rubber plug for the central hole of the nursery level. The plug provides easy access to the water tank and the pump.

Many units on stock
Delivery weight: 0.25 kg

Silencer and mixer for water tank

The water tank mixer and water silerncer tube is put to the Nursery level corner opening for Plantsteps.

Many units on stock
Delivery weight: 0.4 kg

New Indoor Smart Garden | hydroponics planter system

Indoor garden for growing herbs and salads easily with hydroponics. The largest of the small table gardens with water volume of 7 liters.

Many units on stock
Delivery weight: 3.5 kg

Change the SupraBase water tank color to Dark Grey

Change the Supragarden water tank color to Dark Grey Anthracite on the system kit order.

Many units on stock